Where do I start?

To become a member you'll need to complete a Membership Application Form and sign and date the Membership Agreement. In addition, please supply us with any samples, if any, (i.e. letters to the editor, website addresses, publications) and information that might help us to better understand the mission of you/your organization. Please also include a check for your membership dues. Once we have all of this information, our membership committee will quickly process your application.

How much does it cost?

The annual organization membership dues are $36.00 for the first 3 members and $12.00 for each additional member. The annual individual membership dues are $24.00.

How do I complete my membership application?

Please send your application, membership agreement, dues, and any writing samples to:

Catholic Media Coalition Membership
4877 S. Meadow Ridge Dr.
Green Valley, AZ 85614

Other Commonly Asked Questions:

How long will it take?

Once we have all of your information and your dues, a typical request for membership takes approximately two weeks to be processed.

How will I find out if I’ve been accepted?

Our membership committee will send you a welcome letter via e-mail letting you know you have been accepted and that you have been added to our e-mail loops. This letter will also give instructions and rules on how to use our loops.

What if my/our application is rejected?

If your application should be rejected, your check for your dues will be sent back promptly.

What are the benefits of becoming a member of the Catholic Media Coalition?

You will be a member of a national group whose members have a variety of expertise to share with you regarding their efforts to restore our churches and dioceses. You/your group will gain nationwide exposure via our web site. You will receive assistance from other members or at times, the entire CMC membership in your own efforts.

If you have any questions about the Membership Procedure, please email webmaster@catholicmediacoalition.org

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